Who Founded Galveston?

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In order to give you a better understanding of these frequently asked questions…

"Who founded Galveston as a settlement?", “How did Galveston get its name?” and “When was the city founded?”

… I’ll answer all of the questions!

Who founded Galveston?

 It depends on what you are really asking…

Who named Galveston? Who founded the first settlement on the Island? Who founded the city of Galveston? 

Before it was officially named, Galveston Island had been the traditional homeland of the Karankawa, Atakapa Ishak, and other indigenous communities. Indigenous coastal tribes spanned the coast of Texas and northern Mexico until the mid-1800s. 

The name "Galvez-Town"

"Galveston Island" was named after the Spanish Colonial governor, Bernardo de Galvez, who was famous for assisting the American Colonies during the American Revolution. Galvez ordered the first survey of the Texas Gulf Coast in 1786. Galvez never stepped foot on his namesake Island. His longtime associate and surveyor, Jose de Evia, named the Bay north of the Island "Bahia De Galvez-Town" in his honor, which was eventually granted to the Island and adapted to Galveston by English-speaking Europeans.

The first known European settlers on Galveston Island

The Island had no doubt been a stopping point for sailors exploring and trading in the Gulf of Mexico in the early 19th century, but there were few documented visits until Spaniard Louis or "Louie" Aury established a small, short-lived colony during Mexico's war for independence against Spain. Shortly after establishing his Galveston colony, Aury sailed from Galveston to assist the Mexican Government further south in the Gulf of Mexico. While he was away, Pirate and Privateer Jean Lafitte had taken over the small island outpost. Lafitte had been ousted from Louisiana, and upon his arrival at Galveston in 1817, he quickly realized the naval and shipping benefits of an island such as Galveston. Lafitte brought many followers from his Louisiana operations who willingly accompanied him to Galveston. The settlement would become the first full-fledged settlement on the Island. Lafitte called his Galveston Outpost "Campeche." A pirate and slave trader, Lafitte used the Island as a base to raid Spanish vessels and ships in the Gulf of Mexico during Mexico's fight for independence. He left Galveston in 1820 after the United States Navy arrived to quell his operation. Lafitte burned down the pirate colony he had built, leaving behind men and followers who helped settle the Island permanently.

The Founding of the City of Galveston

After Lafitte was forced away, settlers from America began arriving on the Island to carve out a living, and the young Mexican Government established the Port of Galveston. In 1825, before the Texas Revolution, Galveston became the home to a Mexican customs house to levy tariffs on vessels entering the Bay to conduct trade. During the Texas Revolution, Galveston Island became a makeshift headquarters for the revolting Texians and the home port of the Texian Navy. After the Texas Revolution, the Republic of Texas was Born. The Port of Galveston had already proven itself as a significant economic driver to the young republic. 

 In 1836, after the Texas Revolution and successful separation from Mexico, Michel Menard, a prominent Canadian fur trader, bought "one league and a labor of land," about 7 square miles, from the newly formed Republic of Texas. Menard helped organize the Galveston City Company in 1838. 

The City of Galveston was officially chartered in 1839. Other significant changes followed, and business related to the port and population growth of the republic of Texas flourished. Galveston became a major commercial center in the south and one of the busiest ports in the United States.

To answer the frequently asked questions, "Who founded Galveston?", “How did Galveston get its name?” and “When was the city founded? Here are your answers:

Before the Island was named or visited by Europeans, there were indigenous inhabitants on the island.

Jose De Evia named the Bahia De Galvez-Town in 1786 for Bernardo De Galvez after his heroic service during the American Revolution.

Jean Lafitte founded the first documented settlement between 1817 and 1820

Michele Menard organized the Galveston City Company in 1838. 

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